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Wednesday, Feb 14 2018

Career politician Rick Saccone spends Valentine's Day in DC with his true loves: lobbyists and special interest groups

Feb 14, 2018

How is career politician Rick Saccone spending Valentine’s Day?  In Washington, D.C. at a closed-door meeting – arranged by a federal lobbyist – with a special interest group that advocates for privatization of government services and jobs.  The Saccone campaign has refused to publicly comment on the candidate’s presence at this gathering today.

“Attending a secret fundraiser in DC has to the swampiest way to spend Valentine’s Day that anyone has ever heard of,” said American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates. “Rick Saccone’s long political career has been defined by putting special interests ahead of the people he’s supposed to be fighting for and by taking advantage of his elected office to benefit himself at the expense of his constituents in Western Pennsylvania.”

Today’s meeting comes as Saccone is under fire for misusing his seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to benefit himself financially – including for wastefully spending almost half a million taxpayer dollars through his government expense account and for “routinely” eating “breakfasts, lunches, appetizers and dinners that lobbyists pay for in Harrisburg.”

Published: Feb 14, 2018

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