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Wednesday, Aug 22 2018

Can’t Make This Up: Nazi Saluter Defends Walker Stapleton From Charges of Racism

Aug 22, 2018

ShotProtesters at Walker Stapleton Campaign Event Say They Were the Target of a Nazi Slur by man with Stapleton for Governor sign

Chaser: Man who allegedly used the Nazi salute at people protesting Walker Stapleton writes letter to the editor defending Stapleton against charges of racism.


“Given that his family ties to the KKK have dominated the Colorado Governor’s race, we understand that Connecticut blueblood Walker Stapleton would like the issue to go away,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “But a pro-tip to Walker Stapleton — if you want someone to defend you from charges of racism, pick a supporter who doesn’t engage in Nazi salutes.”

Published: Aug 22, 2018

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