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Thursday, Apr 20 2017

Call on Congress: Investigate Trump's ties to Russia!

Apr 20, 2017

The country is demanding to know just how deep the ties between Donald Trump and Russia run.

Our nation is searching for answers right now, and for a chance to hold our leaders accountable. This important investigation can only be entrusted to an independent commission that will act impartially.

The numbers speak for themselves. A new poll released yesterday shows that a majority of Americans in key battleground states are searching for the truth.

The best way to get to the bottom of this is to come together and send a message to Congress. Tell them to support an independent commission to investigate Trump and his administration’s ties to Russia.

American Bridge and our allies are organizing to hold Washington Republicans accountable. Today, we’re continuing our efforts to get this message out, launching three new ads to be broadcast in New York, Arizona and Texas. In these battleground districts, we’re making sure Representatives hear from their constituents on this critical issue.

Any Congressional Republican who does Trump’s bidding, who blocks efforts to uncover the truth, will face the consequences at the ballot box.

Add your name, and let’s get to the bottom of this.

Published: Apr 20, 2017

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