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Tuesday, Aug 21 2018

BREAKING: Scott Wagner Says He Won’t Rule Out Stripping Away Rights for Same-Sex Couples

Aug 21, 2018

Watch the clip here

Harrisburg insider Scott Wagner said last night at a campaign event in Erie that he wouldn’t rule out stripping away rights from same-sex couples as Governor. When asked if he would sign legislation stripping away LGBTQ rights, Wagner said “I’ll have to see when it gets to my desk.”

“Last night Scott Wagner revealed his true colors when he refused to rule out stripping away rights of same-sex couples,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Considering he was caught earlier this summer courting the support of a rabid anti-LGBT cult leader, we unfortunately shouldn’t be surprised Wagner opened the door to stripping same-sex couples of their rights.”

Watch the clip here.

Published: Aug 21, 2018

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