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Friday, Jul 20 2018

Bob Hugin in College: If I Met a Gay Student, "He Wouldn't Last Long"

Jul 20, 2018

As a student at Princeton in the 1970s, wealthy pharma executive Bob Hugin told the local Home News newspaper that “if a member of Tiger” — his all-male private student club — “was found to be gay, ‘he wouldn’t last long.'”

These shocking anti-LGBT remarks show Hugin and his friends are prepared to intimidate or commit violence against LGBT students. The Home News story makes clear that Hugin’s comment is even more appalling in context: earlier in the school year, eight students broke into a pro-LGBT rights’ student’s room “and smashed chairs and tipped over the dressers.”

This new revelation comes hours after uncovered Hugin’s months-long legal battle to keep women out of Tigerthe all-male student club, when he was in his late 30’s.

“Bob Hugin can try to hide, but he can’t run from his bigoted, gay-bashing past. At a time when Princeton was taking steps to embrace LGBT rights, Hugin tried to marginalize gay students and intimidate them into staying in the closet — making him the cruelest kind of bully,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Published: Jul 20, 2018

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