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Wednesday, Dec 8 2021

Biden’s Economic Agenda Lowers Costs For Working Families

Dec 08, 2021

From helping every American get cheaper gas, to giving people the high speed internet they deserve, to lending homeless Americans shelter for the winter, President Joe Biden is keeping his campaign promise to lower costs for working families, and rebuild a country and economy that benefits everyone, not just those at the top. 

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, gas and energy prices are starting to fall just in time for the holiday season:

CNNFinally some relief: Gasoline and natural gas prices are falling

Fox BusinessGas prices nationwide likely to drop even further, expert says

New York TimesSinking natural gas prices are a sign of hope for household winter heating bills

Associated PressGas prices drop by a lot in parts of northern New England

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is giving all Americans access to high-speed internet, and providing billions of dollars for infrastructure projects from Ohio to Arizona:

Pennsylvania[Sen. Bob] Casey: Broadband Funding For Rural Areas Key Element Of Infrastructure Bill

North CarolinaN.C. officials tout ‘unique opportunity’ for broadband expansion 

ArizonaBillions of dollars coming to Arizona to improve infrastructure

OhioMORPC Matters: Investing in Ohio’s infrastructure will pay long-term dividends

Meanwhile, The American Rescue Plan continues to provide crucial funding for the cities and municipalities hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic:

Mercer Cluster$4 Million Approved For Middle Georgia Food Bank Expansion From American Rescue Plan

Hometown LifeWestland mayor pitches ideas for city’s $26 million American Rescue Plan funds

Youth TodayAmerican Rescue Plan funds fuel expansion in afterschool programs

And once passed, the Build Back Better Act will lower the cost of child care, prescription drugs, health care, and utility bills for working families across the country:

Seehafer NewsReport: BBB Could Help With Maternal Care Needs In WI

Local 12: Biden announces plan to lower prescription drug costs

Arizona Republic OpinionIf it wasn’t for the Child Tax Credit, my minimum wage jobs wouldn’t pay our rent


Published: Dec 8, 2021 | Last Modified: Dec 10, 2021

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