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Monday, Aug 16 2021

Arizona Republicans Oppose Bipartisan Infrastructure

Aug 16, 2021

From road and bridge repairs to water infrastructure and high-speed internet investments, communities across Arizona are set to benefit from the bipartisan infrastructure deal passed last week in the U.S. Senate.

But despite the bill’s clear benefits for cities, towns, and tribal communities across the state, Arizona’s 2022 Republican U.S. Senate candidates are broadly panning the bipartisan infrastructure deal:

  • Jim Lamon last week tweeted that he “would’ve opposed this bill”;
  • Blake Masters last week slammed the bill as “complete crap” and “one of the worst deals […] I could imagine”;
  • Mick McGuire during a July tele-town hall told voters he would’ve opposed “the current” bipartisan infrastructure deal; and
  • Mark Brnovich has refused to take a clear stance on the bill, but has broadly criticized Congress’ focus in recent cable TV interviews. 

Lamon, Masters, and McGuire’s opposition to the bipartisan deal comes despite the fact that the deal will create thousands of good-paying jobs and invest billions into critical infrastructure across Arizona, including: $290 million for clean drinking water; $547 million for ports of entry; $225 million for bridges; and $54 million for lead pipe replacement. 

It’s just the latest proof that Jim Lamon, Blake Masters, Mick McGuire, and Mark Brnovich will always put partisan politics ahead of getting things done for Arizona families. 

Published: Aug 16, 2021

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