Path 2

Thursday, Sep 1 2016

"Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation"

Sep 01, 2016

It really happened: Wielding fiery rhetoric and hardline policy proposals, Donald Trump last night somehow found a path to run further to the right on immigration.

Over the last two weeks, Trump surrogates and aides have coyly hinted that Trump might “soften” his hardline commitment to a mass-deportation powered by a “deportation force” — or at least that he might tone down his rhetoric on both.

It was not to be.

Last night, Trump not only “explicitly committed to the “deportation task force” that his aides have sought to dodge questions over, but also made it very clear that no undocumented immigrant will be exempt:

“Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation.”

It’s now clear that Trump remains as committed as ever to forcibly deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States:

NBC News: Trump Recommits to Mass Deportation in Fiery Immigration Speech

AP: Trump reiterates tough stance on deporting those living illegally in US

The Guardian: ‘No amnesty’: Trump vows to deport millions during ‘first hour in office’

U.S. News: Trump Doubles Down on Deportation

IB Times: Donald Trump says no space for illegal immigrants in America, promises ‘beautiful’ border wall along Mexico

New York Times: Donald Trump, Far From Softening, Lays Out Tough Immigration Plans

Published: Sep 1, 2016

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