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Wednesday, Oct 26 2016

American Bridge Statement On Marco Rubio's Debate in Florida

Oct 26, 2016

American Bridge president Jessica Mackler released the following statement on Marco Rubio’s debate:

“Marco Rubio spent his second debate trying to prove that he has accomplished anything for Floridians, but his problem is the few things that he’s accomplished as a senator have made Florida worse off. If Rubio had his way, he would team up with Donald Trump to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits, take affordable healthcare away from millions of Floridians, and defund Planned Parenthood.

“Rubio is a coward for continuing to support Donald Trump even after he’s bragged about abusing women, admitted that he broke the Cuban embargo, and praised Vladimir Putin. Why would Floridians ever believe that Rubio would support them?”

Published: Oct 26, 2016

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