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Tuesday, Jun 27 2017

American Bridge Statement on McConnell Forced to Delay TrumpCare Vote

Jun 27, 2017

American Bridge spokesperson Harrell Kirstein released the following after Senate Republicans announced they would delay voting on their Trumpcare bill until after the July 4th recess:

“Republicans being forced to delay voting on the Trumpcare bill they hid from the American people for weeks – as they drafted it in secret with an undisclosed group of lobbyists – is a testament to the Americans who made their voices heard in opposition to this atrocious bill.  Just yesterday the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted Trumpcare would take more than than 20 million people off their insurance, cripple the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with preexisting conditions by undermining the coverage of essential health benefits like hospitalization, threaten the quality of employer-based plans, and price countless working Americans out of even buying health insurance. However, it is certain that after the July 4th recess, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell will do everything in their power to buy-off senators any way they can to pass this bill and that Americans across the country will continue to expose how devastating Trumpcare would be for them and their families.”

Published: Jun 27, 2017

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