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Wednesday, Oct 25 2017

American Bridge Statement on Ivanka Trump and Dean Heller's Press Conference

Oct 25, 2017

In response to Ivanka Trump’s press conference today with Sen. Dean Heller to promote the Republican tax plan, American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made the following statement:

“Ivanka Trump is speaking today because the Trump Administration and Republicans like Dean Heller want to hide the truth about the tax plan they are writing behind closed doors. They know their plan would raise taxes on millions of middle class families – and on 211,000 Nevada households – while giving 80% of its benefits to the wealthiest Americans, and they’re trying to distract the public from these consequences. 

“Experts have shown the child tax credit would not deliver for working families in Nevada, who stand to lose from this plan. No matter what dishonest claims Dean Heller and Ivanka Trump make today, Trump’s plan is yet another burden on working and middle class families all over the country.”

Published: Oct 25, 2017

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