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Thursday, Mar 22 2018

American Bridge Statement on Bruce Rauner's Victory

Mar 22, 2018

Today, American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made the following statement in response to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s victory in the Illinois Republican gubernatorial election:
Tonight, Illinois Republicans humiliated Bruce Rauner — showing once and for all that Illinoisans across the political spectrum reject Rauner’s record of mismanagement. Rauner spent the primary running scared. To distract from his record of pushing Illinois to the brink of financial collapse he careened to the right, putting children’s lives at risk with his veto of a commonsense gun safety bill. All he won was an approval rating even lower than Donald Trump’s and a one-way ticket to Milan come November. Bruce, arrivederci — I hope your bags are packed and your private jet fully stocked.”

Published: Mar 22, 2018

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