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News Tuesday, Jan 24 2017

American Bridge on Linda McMahon’s Nomination Hearing

Jan 24, 2017

Ahead of Linda McMahon’s nomination hearing in the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee this morning, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement:

“Linda McMahon is just another predatory billionaire, who also happens to be the largest donor to the Trump foundation, that Donald Trump has hand-picked to round out his #RiggedCabinet. As CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, McMahon has a long history of mistreating her workers and has spent years laying the smackdown on small businesses who threaten her wrestling empire.

“Just like Donald Trump, Linda McMahon will use her position of power to knock down hardworking Americans. Her commitment to helping small businesses is just as fake as professional wrestling, except real people stand to get hurt with her in Trump’s Administration.”

American Bridge’s research and video on Linda McMahon is available at Follow @American_Bridge for rapid response updates during the hearing.

Published: Jan 24, 2017

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