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Wednesday, Nov 18 2015

American Bridge 21st Century and Latino Victory Fund Launch Digital Ad Campaign Highlighting GOP Anti-Immigrant Comments

Nov 18, 2015

Washington, DC – Today, American Bridge 21st Century and Latino Victory Fund launched a digital ad campaign highlighting Marco Rubio’s, Donald Trump’s, and Ted Cruz’s latest anti-immigrant comments.

Watch the first digital placement, “It’s Offensive:”

“There’s no better example of how extreme the Republican Party has become than its relationship with the Latino community. Republican leaders are openly hostile to these hard-working Americans, their families, and the millions of people throughout our nation’s history who have shared the hope for freedom and opportunity. Vilifying immigrants for partisan gain is a cheap political stunt, and anyone who engages in it isn’t fit for the presidency,” said Jessica Mackler, President of American Bridge.

“Republican presidential candidates apparently forgot that the road to the White House goes through the Latino community. Latinos are listening and we don’t like the hateful, demonizing, anti-immigrant comments that we’re hearing from Rubio, Cruz, Trump and others. Whether they like it or not, Latinos will play a key role in electing the next president of the United States and we won’t support someone who is looking to deport and hurt our families,” said Cristóbal J. Alex President of Latino Victory Fund.

Published: Nov 18, 2015

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