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Tuesday, Jul 31 2018

Ahead of Trump-DeSantis Rally, American Bridge Launches New Ad on DeSantis’s Failure to Keep Guns From Criminals

Jul 31, 2018

Watch the ad here


American Bridge launched a new ad ahead of President Trump’s rally with Fox News contributor Ron DeSantis in Florida tonight. The ad, called “Runs Away,” highlights DeSantis’s failure to do anything to keep guns from criminals and the mentally ill. Even after the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, DeSantis has failed to propose or support any policies that would keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

The ad begins running this afternoon on Instagram and Facebook. It is geotargeted to reach young voters in the zip codes surrounding Trump’s rally with DeSantis.

“Young voters across Florida are standing up and demanding politicians actually do something to prevent gun violence, but Ron DeSantis isn’t listening,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Ron DeSantis wants to be Governor, but when Floridians demand action to prevent their friends and family from being murdered, he just runs away.”


Watch the ad, “Runs Away,” below.

Published: Jul 31, 2018

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