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Monday, Oct 1 2018

Ahead of Alex Trebek Debate, American Bridge Releases New Video of Scott Wagner on “Pennsylvania Jeopardy”

Oct 01, 2018

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Ahead of tonight’s Pennsylvania Governor debate moderated by Alex Trebek, American Bridge released a new Jeopardy-themed video outlining how wrong Scott Wagner is for Pennsylvania families. Called “Pennsylvania Jeopardy,” the video shows just a few of the numerous instances where Scott Wagner demonstrated he would be a disaster as Governor.

The video will play on social media during tonight’s debate.

“Whether it’s insulting young voters, telling racist stories that compare immigrants to ‘raccoons,’ or physically assaulting trackers, Scott Wagner has repeatedly shown he is unfit to be Pennsylvania’s Governor,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “This November, voters will reject Scott Wagner’s backwards agenda that would jeopardize Pennsylvania families.”

Watch the video below.

Published: Oct 1, 2018

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