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Tuesday, Jan 18 2022

ICYMI: AB21C Co-Chair Gov. Patrick Joins CNN and MSNBC to Talk Voting Rights

Jan 18, 2022

Over the weekend, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Gov. Deval Patrick joined CNN and MSNBC to talk about the push to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and Republicans’ decades-long effort to block voting rights legislation. 


Gov. Deval Patrick“I have heard Republicans cry foul saying [efforts to expand voting rights] it’s some kind of power grab, and yet that is precisely what was motivating these 19 states and counting to obstruct the vote and to put it in the power of Republican partisans to throw out outcomes they don’t like.”


Gov. Deval Patrick: “We need these reforms because of the excesses in some 19 states and counting right now –-in the wake of the 2020 election – that is making it harder, less convenient, less secure, and less certain in terms of the outcomes to cast a vote in this country and that is fundamentally anti-democratic.”


Published: Jan 18, 2022 | Last Modified: Jan 25, 2022

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