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Tuesday, Apr 18 2017

More Than 68,000 Americans — Including 1,500 Wisconsinites — Have Received Pink Slips Under Trump

Apr 18, 2017

Donald Trump might talk a big game in Kenosha, Wisconsin today about the importance of manufacturing, but he clearly doesn’t walk the walk. All of Trump’s products were made using foreign workers, and Trump has yet to do anything meaningful to protect U.S. jobs.
Donald Trump’s bluster on the economy hides the fact that more than 68,000 Americans have lost their jobs due to plant closings and layoffs, including nearly 1,500 Wisconsinites who have been given pink slips since Trump’s inauguration three months ago. In addition, more than 11,000 U.S. workers have sought assistance due to outsourcing or trade-related disruption.
Visit for more details on layoffs and outsourcing under Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump has been all talk and no action on the economy. Under Trump’s watch, more than 68,000 Americans have been given pink slips from their employers — including nearly 1,500 workers in Wisconsin. It’s clear that Trump doesn’t care who loses a paycheck while he’s in charge, as long as he gets to go on taxpayer-funded vacations every weekend,” said Shripal Shah, American Bridge Vice President.

More information on layoffs and jobs lost to trade under Donald Trump is available at

Published: Apr 18, 2017

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