Path 2

Monday, Nov 6 2017

Nov 06, 2017

This afternoon, Gov. Rick Scott made his first remarks on gun violence following the shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas. It didn’t go well.

Scott was asked: “Can you tell us what specific actions you’ll be doing to prevent mass shootings like this?”

Rick Scott couldn’t even name one. All he could do was stammer the word “evil” nine times in two minutes, which is probably what his pollster told to say if he ever got flustered.

Watch the video of Rick Scott’s abysmal press gaggle:
“Rick Scott has no answer to Floridians who are crying out for solutions to the gun violence that is ravaging our communities. From Pulse in Orlando to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland, the problem of mass gun violence demands specific solutions, not pablum. Politicians like Rick Scott who fail to put the lives of Floridians — and all Americans — ahead of partisan politics will be rejected by the voters,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Published: Nov 6, 2017

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