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News Derrick Van Orden Friday, Jan 31 2025

WI-03 Rep. Derrick Van Orden Blames the “Democratic Party and the Deep State” for the Spending Freeze

Jan 31, 2025

“…it lies solely on the shoulders of the Democrat Party and the deep state…It’s their fault.”

In a bizarre and unintelligible rant that he proudly posted to his YouTube channel, WI-03 Rep. Derrick Van Orden claimed the spending freeze implemented by the Trump administration was the fault of the “Democratic Party and the deep state.” Furthermore, Van Orden justified the move, which threatened programs that provide affordable health care, early childhood education, and nutrition and food assistance for low-income women and children — just to name a few — as a way to get the “Democrat Deep State…off their ass.”

Here’s what Van Orden, in part, said:

“Here’s the problem: The executive branch and the deep state, which is real, think that they are running the government and they’re not. They’re unelected bureaucrats that better damn well get on board with the plan of the elected president and the elected Congress. Or they need to find something else to do. They’re going to be held accountable because they are not in charge constitutionally or lawfully. They simply are not. So if the deep state Democrat Permanent Party who would actually do their damn job for the American public, the president would not have to do this […] This is real money. These are real programs. These are real people. And as soon as the Democrat Deep State gets off their ass and starts working lawfully and follows the executive orders and the laws that Congress have put out , this money goes straight back […] it lies solely on the shoulders of the Democrat Party and the deep state that’s been working against the American public for an extended period of time. It’s their fault. And President Trump is just bringing this around to make sure that they comply with the law. ” — Rep. Derrick Van Orden.

Unsurprisingly, Derrick Van Orden claimed at the end of May of last year that he would not play politics with “a hungry child’s meal.” But when given the chance to stand up for Wisconsin’s third congressional district, political games are exactly what Van Orden played.

“Derrick Van Orden can’t serve his district and constituents if he’s too blurry eyed to see reality,” said American Bridge spokesperson Philip Shulman. “He is incapable of standing up for the children of his district who are hungry, for the low-income mothers who need health care, and for those organizations that help everyday working people.”

Published: Jan 31, 2025 | Last Modified: Feb 3, 2025

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