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Friday, Dec 22 2023

This F*cking Guy: Trump Hiked Taxes on Gold Star Families

Dec 22, 2023

Six years ago, while Donald Trump was touting his massive corporate tax giveaway to the ultra-rich and some of the largest corporations in the country, he was hiking taxes on Gold Star families.

Trump’s tax giveaway propped up record earnings for big banks and drove down business investments while corporations used their savings to pay out more than $1 trillion in stock buybacks. 

Meanwhile, Trump’s tax plan instituted a tax on the children of deceased service members. The new rates affected as many as 10,000 children of deceased service members.

In response to the anniversary of Trump choosing corporations over  Gold Star families, American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communication Director Brandon Weathersby released the following statement:

“Trump verbally insulted Gold Star families and attacked the life and legacies of fallen service members. He doesn’t even have the decency and compassion to protect the children of people who died with honor serving our country. Make no mistake, this fucking guy isn’t a champion for our service members at home or abroad.”

Published: Dec 22, 2023 | Last Modified: Jan 9, 2024

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