American Independent: Ally of GOP Senate candidate says Muslim Brotherhood is behind Occupy Orlando
On October 17, 2011, The American Independent reported:
In a video clip and blog post published today, a right-wing activist with ties to GOP Senate candidate Adam Hasner alleges that Occupy Orlando, a Central Florida group that has sprung up in solidarity with the New York-based Occupy Wall Street movement, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Plain Dealer: Conservative Family Research Council set to endorse Josh Mandel in U.S. Senate race
Henry Gomez from the Plain Dealer reports that Josh Mandel was endorsed by the controversial Family Research Council:
Family Research Council is no stranger to controversy. It cracks the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups for "defaming gays and lesbians." The New York Times, in its coverage of last week's summit, noted that FRC dismisses the claim as "politically motivated."
Boston Globe: Romney Pummels, Profits From Fannie, Freddie
From the Boston Globe:
Read more from the Boston Globe after the jumpRomney has profited from investments that were made in both government entities, according to his personal finance disclosure forms and documents compiled by American Bridge, one of several Democratic groups in Washington formed to back the election campaigns of Obama and other Democrats.
The issue illustrates the potential perils for a candidate with vast financial holdings whose rhetoric does not necessarily match his investment interests.
“Once again, Mitt Romney has proven his hypocrisy knows no limits,” said Ty Matsdorf, spokesman for American Bridge, which was formed earlier this year and has been going through the records of President Obama’s potential opponents. “To continually attack the housing crisis, yet invest up to a half a million dollars in the major players is absolutely mind boggling. I didn’t know a person could flip flop on themselves, but Romney has proven that wrong.”
Omaha World-Herald: Bruning attained wealth in office
On August 25, 2011, the Omaha World-Herald reported:
In a little over a decade, Attorney General Jon Bruning has amassed a burgeoning business portfolio that puts him squarely in the multimillionaires' club. He has done it all while serving in office and earning $95,000 a year.
MEMO: Rick Perry: The Great Campaigner?
Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry burst onto the GOP Presidential scene, managing to step all over the Ames straw poll by making his official announcement the same day.
By waiting until after the straw poll to enter the race, Perry avoided answering the tough questions that voters care about. Rather than use his first week in the race to show Americans where he stands on today's most pressing issues, he upstaged himself with a series of gaffes and extreme statements, revealing that he's just not ready for prime time.
PolitiFact Ohio: Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland raps Josh Mandel as a flip flopper on abortion, gay rights
Politifact Ohio examines Gov. Strickland's comments on Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel's positions. Despite his support for domestic partner benefits…
Pawlenty's Credit Rating Double Standard
Pawlenty Called Obama “Inept” In Response To S&P Downgrade. Pawlenty issued a statement in August 2011 responding to news that S&P had downgraded the country’s credit rating: “This is a sad moment for the United States, but it's a reflection that our country is in trouble. President Obama is inept when it comes to creating the conditions or job creation and economic growth. It's time for a new direction and a new President." [Pawlenty Statement, 8/6/11] More research after the jump

The PA Republicans Trying To Slash (Even More) Constitutional Abortion Rights
Late last week, in the middle of the night, Pennsylvania Republicans in the General Assembly introduced a proposed amendment to the state constitution stating that the document does not “grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other right relating to abortion.” The amendment…
Rubio Endorsed By Pro-Internment Of Immigrants Rep. With 9/11-Truther Ties
Day after day, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz continue to run to the right, fighting to prove who's the most like…

On Fox News, Rick Scott AGAIN Refuses to Back McConnell for Leader
You’ve gotta feel for National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Rick Scott — his foot in mouth disease is only growing…