iWatch News: K Street, Wall Street line up behind Sen. Scott Brown in his race against Elizabeth Warren
On December 2, 2011, iWatch News reported:
Financial service lobbyists and other K Street advocates have for weeks been working hard to help the freshman senator win his high-stakes battle for re-election against Elizabeth Warren, a liberal Harvard law professor. Warren is anathema for many finance-sector lobbyists and Wall Street leaders who abhor the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau— a centerpiece of the financial services overhaul—of which Warren was the intellectual architect.
Mitt Romney’s 1994 – The Year His Career In Politics Began
1994… The Internet was coming to age. Courtney Cox and David Schwimmer debuted the first episode of Friends. O.J. Simpson led America on a slow, winding “chase” to infamy. I got my first car (’84 Chevette). And Mitt Romney -- the man now calling Newt Gingrich a “career politician” -- was beginning his 17-year career in national politics. It’s a tactic Romney has perfected over his two decades running for office: Regardless of the circumstances, painting himself as the political outsider and his opponent as a career politician. The irony is not just the long time Romney has spent in politics, but how he embodies the characteristics of a ‘career politicians’ he claims to be so eager to defeat. He has opportunistically changed on core beliefs so frequently, the conservative Manchester Union Leader wrote that Romney just “tells us what he thinks we want to hear.” But, to court (and win) support from the Republican establishment in Washington and on Wall Street, Romney has continued his pattern of pandering. Even the food he eats and the airlines he flies feel calculated by his chief pollster and strategist.
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Heller takes a hit from Washington group
On November 28, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:
Senate Dean Heller continues to take shots from organizations critical of his voting record as his race for election heats up. American Bridge 21st Century is the latest outfit to fire on Heller. Its spokesman, Matt Thornton, thumps him for his "blatant attempt to hide his record of standing up for Wall Street at the expense of Main Street."
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Heller Backs off on 'March Madness'
On November 21, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:
There has been a quick change in the fundraiser that Sen. Dean Heller is planning during the NCAA basketball tournament next spring.
Heller Invents Excuses For Bailing On Latin Chamber
Recently, Nevada Senator Dean Heller outraged members of the Hispanic community by cancelling an an appearance with the Latin Chamber of Commerce at the last minute. Though he was already en route to the meeting, Heller chose to bail after being informed by an advance staffer that a former member of the Latin Chamber's board who currently works for Shelley Berkley was in attendance, and that another attendee had a camera. The only plausible explanation for Heller's actions is that he is afraid of what Nevada voters will think if they can see for themselves what Heller is saying on the campaign trail. But in an radio interview yesterday, Heller attempted to explain away his actions by lying about the circumstances under which he cancelled his appearance.
LA Times: Romney, Cain skip Iowa economic forum
On November 1, 2011, the Los Angeles times reported:
Much of the Republican presidential field gathered here Tuesday to discuss how to improve the nation's economy. But what was most notable was who skipped the event — Iowa front-runners Mitt Romney and Herman Cain...
Discussing #Occupy Movement, Rick Perry Repeats Fake Quote From Canadian Satirical Article
On October 31, 2011, Mediaite reported on a humorous trend in the conservative blogosphere: bloggers citing fake quotes from a satirical column in Canada's Globe and Mail.
Over the last week, bloggers, emailers, commenters, and posters have shared the words of a 38 year-old slacker Toronto resident named Jeremy, who took part in the Occupy Toronto protests:What they don’t realize is that the quote was one of many featured in a satirical piece by The Toronto Globe and Mail’s Mark Schatzker. 38 year-old Jeremy doesn’t exist. It turns out that bloggers weren't the only ones duped. During a radio interview on October 28, Rick Perry cited this very same 38-year-old "Jeremy." American Bridge caught it on tape. Take a look:“It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it’s time to go, they’re still there. I guess that’s why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? That’s the power of greed.”
MEMO: Rubio Had At Least Twenty Opportunities To Correct The Record
As the story of Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s parents’ departure from Cuba continues to unfold, it should be noted that Rubio has had at least twenty opportunities throughout his years as a public figure to correct media accounts of his family’s history. While the extent to which Rubio embellished their story can be debated, there is no doubt that he actively perpetuated an incorrect retelling by failing to correct the record any number of times.
American Bridge 21st Century has found twenty opportunities for Rubio to correct this popular myth.
If he was not taking advantage of the obvious political advantages afforded to him by the myth of his parents’ departure from Cuba, why did Marco Rubio pass up so many opportunities to correct the record? The fact is he did not mind this popular – yet untrue – tale because it helped advance his political career in the eyes of Florida voters. Now that the truth has been exposed, Rubio owes his constituents an explanation.
See the examples after the jump.
Omaha World-Herald: Critics: Subsidy benefits Fischer
On October 23, 2011, the Omaha World-Herald reported:
"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Deb Fischer and her husband, Bruce, are among a handful of Nebraska ranchers whose cattle graze on federal land at prices some say amounts to a significant federal giveaway."
POLITICO: Nazi reenactor gave Mandel $1,000
On October 21, 2011, POLITICO reported:
"Rich Iott, the Nazi reenactor who ran unsuccessfully for Congress, donated $1,000 to Josh Mandel's Ohio Senate campaign, according to the Republican's campaign finance filing provided to POLITICO by the Democratic group American Bridge."